Could be Jogging, Rather be Blogging: Why I Write

Greetings, lovely internet reader! If you’ve stumbled upon this post you’re probably thinking of starting a blog. My first tip is much like that of Nike’s: Just do it.” There’s no harm in boosting your online brand through blogging. Besides, you could always let it drift into cyberspace if you change your mind; or your blog could be a huge, fulfilling positive in your life and a bright spot in your readers’!

Starting a blog was always somewhere in the back of my mind. My weekly journals concerning my thoughts on American Idol results in elementary school were pretty riveting. In high school, I was obsessed with the blog, “Cath in College.” I awaited each weekly post, eager to hear “Cath’s” latest stories of her Stanfords adventures. The idea of blogging still swimming in my mind, I assumed that I, however, had nothing interesting to write, nothing new to offer. Cath’s blog made me realize something: If she could draft stories of simply her day to day life and her passion for her school, so could I! That’s reason number one why starting a blog is such a fantastic idea: it’s a platform to talk all about your passions and a great break from typical school writing.

Blogging is also a great way to boost your writing skills! Writing is such an essential task in high school, college, and beyond, and being a good communicator is so important in today’s technological world. Also, while my blog is still fairly new, I have already learned so much about technology. Skills such as developing an aesthetically pleasing digital profile and learning search engine optimization tools are great resume boosters and can be useful for anyone with an online platform. In addition, creating an online portfolio is also important in our world of technology. It can encapsulate your personal brand and showcase your skills to family, friends, and future employers.

My favorite Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor said, “There are two questions I ask myself every day. One is: what have I learned today?… The second is: who have I helped today?” I strive to live by that mantra each and every day, and I kept it in mind when I decided to start blogging. I hope to learn more about the current political atmosphere through research, develop my writing skills, and converse with readers in order to share my personal experiences and hopefully help others who are going through the journey of college.


(Title is from another amazing blog Go check it out!)